We acknowledge that we are on the traditional land of the first people of Seattle, Suquamish, Duwamish, Muckleshoot, Cayuse, Yumatilla and WallaWalla People past and present and honor with gratitude the land itself and the Suquamish, Duwamish, Muckleshoot, Cayuse, Yumatilla and WallaWalla Tribes
Vote, get informed and stay up to date in Spanish, Rain Language, Purépecha and Mixteco Bajo and English!
Always seeking to inform our communities, it is a pleasure to share with you a video that we have created to inform, motivate and provide easy access to the information offered by the King County Elections Department. We invite your family, friends, and any members of your community who you think would benefit from this information.
¡Vote, infórmese y manténgase al tanto en español, Language de la lluvia, purépecha, mixteco bajo e inglés!
Siempre en busca de informar a nuestras comunidades, es un placer compartir con ustedes un video que hemos creado para informar, motivar y brindar un acceso fácil a la información que ofrece el Departamento de Elecciones del Condado de King . Nos encantaría invitar a familiares, amigos y cualquier miembro de su comunidad que consideren que se beneficiarían de esta información.
From birth and beyond, Para Los Niños (For the Children, or PLN) supports and empowers the entire Latino family through early learning, literacy and academic skills development, summer enrichment, and parent leadership and advocacy programs.
PLN believes that all Latino children are capable of excellence, and we achieve that goal by building culturally relevant programs upon a foundation of love and respect, supported by a community leadership model that recognizes the talents and skills of each person.
PLN works for the success of Latino students and families in South King County through four core programs: early learning and kindergarten readiness; literacy and other academic skills; access to higher education; and parent support, education, and empowerment.

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