Vote, get informed and stay up to date in Spanish, Lenguaje de la Lluvia, Purépecha and Mixteco Bajo and English!
Always seeking to inform our communities, it is a pleasure to share with you a video that we have created to inform, motivate and provide easy access to the information offered by the King County Elections Department. We invite your family, friends, and any members of your community who you think would benefit from this information.
¡Vote, infórmese y manténgase al tanto en español, Lenguaje de la Lluvia, purépecha, mixteco bajo e inglés!
Siempre en busca de informar a nuestras comunidades, es un placer compartir con ustedes un video que hemos creado para informar, motivar y brindar un acceso fácil a la información que ofrece el Departamento de Elecciones del Condado de King . Nos encantaría invitar a familiares, amigos y cualquier miembro de su comunidad que consideren que se beneficiarían de esta información.
Para Los Niños is a grassroots community organization founded by members of the community it serves—the growing immigrant, Spanish-speaking population in South King County.
In 2003, a group of Latino parents gathered to talk about education. As a result of this meeting, Para Los Niños was born with the following priorities: to support the education of Latino children, with a focus on early childhood development; to maintain and promote their culture and language; and to teach English as a second language in order to develop leadership and civic engagement for parents in the community.
To support these priorities, the founding group of parents knew they needed to address the particular barriers they faced as immigrants. The barriers are many. They include economic challenges, language, cultural barriers, and discrimination.
In addition, school systems function differently in our parents’ home countries than in the United States. Therefore, a lack of information and understanding of how the educational system works in the United States presents an additional challenge as well as creates isolation from the broader community. In response to these particular challenges, Para Los Niños was organized.
With input from the community, it developed programs that met the needs of the community. These programs range from providing school readiness and ESL education to helping parents develop the skills and motivation for community involvement. In all its work, Para Los Niños and its programs represent the desire of a community change that can support all immigrant families in their complex journey through the educational system in the United States.
PLN is eternally grateful to the following entities who support our mission wholeheartedly:

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